Friday, April 10, 2009

Scoot. Over.

On the train this morning, a guy got on struggling with stuff in his hands... his over the shoulder bag, his book, and his... scooter. Like a razor scooter- the kind you might find a child skipping down the street on. Now I try not to be judgemental (often times horribly unsuccessfully), but come on.. a scooter? What self respecting adult finds this mode of transportation reasonable? All I know is the last thing I want to have to avoid as I walk down a crowded city street is some kid on a scooter- notice I said kid, because having to avoid being run over by an adult on a scooter shouldn't even be on the list.

So what does this full-grown man who is okay with zipping around the city on scooter read, you ask: Proust's Swann's Way. Hmmm... Flash back to childhood anyone? Who wants a cookie?