Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Found treats not welcome

Our laundry room is in the basement of our building and becomes the landing place for all unwanted items from people's apartments: clothing, books, CD's, knick knacks, even the occasional small appliance. Well a new find was waiting on the table when we went down to do laundry the other day: a couple of boxes of Pop-Tarts.

Mmmm.... Pop-Tarts... blech.

Hey I like a Pop-Tart as much as the next guy, but really? You are going to leave Pop-Tarts in the laundry room? Like, While you're perusing the discarded books, have a snack! Well to my dismay, the culprit did appear to have a taker. Both boxes had been opened, and in one of the open boxes one of the individual wrappers had been opened and a pop tart had been removed. So one remained in the open wrapper. To which I say- REALLY? You're going to leave an open Pop-Tart in the laundry room, inviting ants and who knows what other vermin into- let me repeat- the LAUNDRY ROOM? It's bad enough you ate a random Pop-Tart from God knows where, but don't drag the rest of us into your poor snacking decisions.