Thursday, March 26, 2009

What global financial meltdown?

Even in these trying financial times, there's always gotta be one guy who's got way more money than he knows what to do with.
This guy. He's Charles Simonyi, a Hungarian-born software developer, the so called "space tourist," who today blasted off in a Russian rocket for his second- that's right second- trip to the International Space Station. The going rate for which is $35 million dollars. I don't know about you, but I would love to wipe the smug look of his face.

From the article in the NY Times:
In a telephone interview... Mr. Simonyi said he plans to help Russian engineers calibrate space radiation sensors, chat with school kids via ham radio and discuss his experiences with Internet readers.

Help calibrate space radiation sensors my butt. The latter two seem more like it... "Hey, look at me! I'm filthy rich and rather than use my money to fund humanitarian efforts in these troubled times on earth, I'M GOING TO SPACE!!" Now far be it from me to tell a guy how spend his money, and I am sure this will only boost his chances with the ladies (Hey baby, wanna see my space suit?)- but it seems to me a little insensitive to be dropping 35 mill on something that should probably be a once in a lifetime experience. Once, Charles. Hell, it irks me and I have a job. What must some jobless factory worker think about this? ( Find one and ask them, I am sure they are not happy...)

Okay, bitter rant over. Sweet galactic dreams, Mr. Simonyi, on your pillow no doubt made of soft, laundered currency. Okay seriously, the bitterness is over...

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