Saturday, July 24, 2010

Yes, I'll hold...

My lovely wife's post the other day got me thinking. Holding doors open for people- and the etiquette of doing said service and/or receiving it.

Now I do my best to hold the door open for people, regardless of their physical status- be they pregnant, hands-full, handicapped or able-bodied. It's not out of any sense of real politeness- it just seems like common decency (yes, here's my back- go ahead and pat directly on the sign that says "pat here"). I actually feel bad if I let a door close behind me and then notice there was somebody coming in after me. Not really bad- like I don't feel the need to apologize profusely or track them down and offer to write them a check for the damages- just a normal amount, like "Oh damn, wish I had seen them," and then I move on - I might apologize a little, depending on the severity of the door-in-face to distance-behind-me ratio; but within reason.

When I do notice somebody's behind me, there's often that fine line of- is that person to far away for me to hold the door? We certainly don't want to offend, so usually I'll make the attempt- if not holding it open, at least performing the common maneuver giving the door an extra push or tug, so as to keep it open a little longer for the person without actually standing there holding it. If I do stand there, I do appreciate if the person makes at least the tiniest effort not to take their merry time getting to the door. Or when they do reach the door, at least an attempt to take the load off me- reaching out for the door- is always appreciated. I'm not your butler after all, and my courteousness only goes so far. Don't make me passive-aggressively (or is it passively-aggressive) let the door close on you on purpose- I've done it before and I'll do it again (you can have that pat on the back you gave back now). Also, a quick "thank you" or gesture of appreciation is always nice. A little acknowledgment is all I need. Although, when treated like a butler, some sort of tip might be more in order.

 Like I said- it should be a matter of common decency. But for some I'd like to think it's less a matter of utter rudeness, and more of a complete obliviousness to the presence of others on the planet. Like: In a city of ten million people, there's no way somebody is coming in the same door as me, better just let it slam shut behind me. These are the same folks who stand in front of doorways- chatting it up and having a ball, completely in the way. Helllooo??

Ah, the lost art of politeness. Just remember, the door swing both ways, people- sometimes quite literally, but that's not what I'm talking about; focus people! Hold a door: that extra two seconds could come back to you in mass amounts of karma. Of course, it could also make you miss the elevator.

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