Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Confessions of a new dad, vol. 8: Tardiness is next to...

My wife and I have always been a punctual couple. You tell us what time to show up, and we're there at the appointed time. Well, this all came to a crashing halt as soon as our little wonder showed up. It's almost comical.

The first time we had to make our way out the door for an outing with the little one, it was- Oh we forgot this, and don't forget that, and oooh we need to bring this too... So next time- we make a list! That way, we know exactly what we need ahead of time, thereby trimming get-out-the-door time significantly... well... it seems that no matter how organized we tried to be, something always came up. She decides to poop. Or decides she's hungry, despite out best efforts to get her fed in the hours leading up to our departure. Or she demands a little extra attention, which keeps one of us from getting ourselves ready. For one reason or another, we can't seem to make it out the door when we say we are going to. And we've tried the whole- let's say we're leaving at 11:30 so we'll really leave at 11:45- thing, and it doesn't fool us, or her for that matter.

And to hammer home the feeling of inadequacy our friends who have a baby themselves- 10 weeks older than ours- always seem able pull it together and show up on time. And when we pointed out our serial tardiness as of late, her (very kind) utterance of "Well, you have a baby now" didn't fly with us since they have one too. Great, even other people have to make excuses for us.

Maybe we've always been closet-latecomers, and our little girl has just brought this out in us- like our punctuality was just a front to build up goodwill with all the people we'll now keep waiting for our arrival. It's also very possible that the amount of energy we've expended lately rearing our first-born is causing us to just move a little slower.... it is possible... but it's neither here nor there, seeing as though this is clearly a "blame the baby" post. In fact even this post is late, seeing as though I planned to post it a couple of days ago.

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