Friday, November 12, 2010

Confessions of a new dad, vol. 15: Gift of grab

One of the great developmental milestones any child achieves early on is learning how to reach and grab things. It's tough not to be bowled over by my little one when she I see the look in her eyes as she reaches out for something and takes it into her tiny little hands. But the curiosity and wonderment that just weeks ago was so adorable and endearing, can turn decidedly not as much so when accompanied by gained dexterity.

Cute: When she reaches out to touch your face.

Not as cute: When she grabs your bottom lip, digs those little nails in, and pulls with all her might.

Cute: During feeding when she reaches out and holds onto the bottle.

Not as cute: During feeding when she reaches out and grabs a hold of the spoon and holds on with a death-grip, threatening to fling whatever it holds asunder.

Cute: When she notices the TV remote, and paws at it like a new toy.

Not as cute: When she grabs the remote off the couch and changes the channel with her mouth at the most inopportune time.

Oh, who am I kidding? That last one is friggin adorable. And really so are the others listed above under the "Not as cute" category for that matter. The one one thing she's always known how to grab is my heart. And I fear that her dexterity in that department will only get sharper and sharper in the months and years ahead.

1 comment:

kerry said...

This is a good distinction you make, more like "super cute" and "cute."

At what age does this cute shield disappear? Cause I have a feeling people wouldn't find this so cute from say, a 30-something woman...