As a sports fan, I was always slightly miffed at the pink versions of team apparel donned by females at sporting events. I get it- they're trying to sell more merchandise by appealing to the feminine side (which, of course, gender stereotypes tell us means pink!). But I have always just found it very unsettling, seeing as though two fans could be walking side by side, and it's not necessarily readily apparent who's rooting for who if they are both decked out in opposing- yet matching- pink jerseys. And when my wife started coming with me to games, I found it refreshing that she wanted to purchase items only the true team colors. All was right in the world of sports...
Now I am seeing life through pink-colored glasses. When our little K. entered the picture, despite our best efforts to fully explore the color palette of fashion, more and more pink has entered our household. Sure she has greens and blues and purples in her wardrobe (her room is even painted sky blue!), but so much of what is out there for little girls to wear is (thanks again, stereotypes) pink! And plus she looks so darn cute in pink, it's hard to resist. And resist I didn't. When I purchased her Yankees apparel the other day it was in shades of pink. A hot pink #2 Derek Jeter jersey-shirt, to go with a pastel pink hat with the revered interlocking NY. It just seemed right. Maybe as she gets older she'll want to follow her mom's path of team color choice- but for now, she'll stay our little Yankee pinkee!!
Ah, man. It's amazing the things you'll do for love.
I was going to make a comment about how appropriate pink-colored Yankee garb was, and then realized that they were in first place by 2 1/2 games already (Weakling AL East.) Oh, well. Pass granted on the pink clothes this time.
PS - Go Rockies.
Dude the Rocks are beasts this year-- it's a long season though...
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