Monday, January 28, 2008

One more year...

One more year, kids... breathe it in. I'd like to say I made an honest effort to watch tonight's state of the union address with an unbiased eye. But honestly, the benefit of the doubt went out the window along time ago with this current administration. After 7 years of this, the pomp and circumstance that goes with the address- the standing ovations, the "respect for the office" and what have you- was all a bit much for me tonight.

So why watch at all? Because the heart of the optimist in me wanted to hear something that might move me. Something that might surprise me. But alas, the only things that moved me, moved me to shout at the T.V.

Bush: We share a common goal: making health care more affordable and
accessible for all Americans. The best way to achieve that goal is by expanding
consumer choice, not government control.
Bush: We will defend our vital interests in the Middle East. Me: OIL.

You get the point.

I have never cared much for politics. And really I still don't. I am just tired of feeling ignored, if not held hostage by the government, more specifically the office of the President, and hope beyond hope the majority of the American public feels the same.

I thought Bush's finest moment tonight was as he exited, making connections with people one on one- flashing that smile, squeezing hands. While personal connection is important, we are a nation of many, and of many voices that must heard. I hope that his finest hour as President will be as he makes his exit in this his final year- however I'm not holding my breath. Maybe a more reasonable hope is that President Bush doesn't dig us deeper in the hole we all currently dwell in, making the job of future administrations more difficult. One more year. Here's hoping.

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