Tuesday, May 6, 2008

All in my head

I woke this morning with a song stuck in my head, by the artist Pink. It's a song that I don't know the title, and really know very little of the lyrics. I am not even sure when I last heard this song. It is a mystery to me how this song came to be the first thing that popped in my head this morning. It is possible that I heard it on a radio as I passed by a car the other day, or in a store- and I didn't register at the time.

So, even more confounding then was when I got off the subway and found myself kind of quietly whistling the theme song from "I Dream of Genie." Yup, hum along if you wish... not sure where that one came from either. Apparently my brain has harnessed the ability to screw with me- that is to subliminally store things, and release them only at a time when it will feel completely random and unassociated to anything present... well, songs at this point. Who can say what I'll wake up singing tomorrow.

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