Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Found treats not welcome

Our laundry room is in the basement of our building and becomes the landing place for all unwanted items from people's apartments: clothing, books, CD's, knick knacks, even the occasional small appliance. Well a new find was waiting on the table when we went down to do laundry the other day: a couple of boxes of Pop-Tarts.

Mmmm.... Pop-Tarts... blech.

Hey I like a Pop-Tart as much as the next guy, but really? You are going to leave Pop-Tarts in the laundry room? Like, While you're perusing the discarded books, have a snack! Well to my dismay, the culprit did appear to have a taker. Both boxes had been opened, and in one of the open boxes one of the individual wrappers had been opened and a pop tart had been removed. So one remained in the open wrapper. To which I say- REALLY? You're going to leave an open Pop-Tart in the laundry room, inviting ants and who knows what other vermin into- let me repeat- the LAUNDRY ROOM? It's bad enough you ate a random Pop-Tart from God knows where, but don't drag the rest of us into your poor snacking decisions.  


Heather said...

mmmm...pop tarts. Maybe it was me.

OneJay said...

No, these were the frosted kind... not butter and sugar or whatever you used to put on them.

kerry said...

Tmi Jay, but sometimes I throw away food so that I don't consume other-wordly portion sizes. So maybe this person has that quirk? And figured, maybe someone else will want this?

Just sayin.