Thursday, June 9, 2011

Confessions of a new dad, vol. 34: The best day she'll never remember

The first birthday is a milestone to be treasured. A time to look back at the incredible year that has past, and remember all the moments that brought your little one to this day. A day to celebrate her.

The first birthday party however, is a completely different beast. It's not for the child. She's not going to remember what she wore, what plates were used or what food was served on them. She'll not someday reminisce about the decorations, nor the presents she received. The first birthday party is for the parents. A "Whoo-hoo we made it through a year" kind of bash, and most deserved. However, the party is not thrown for the parents- it's the parents that throw it for themselves, under the guise that it's really for the child.

Matching napkins and specific color schemes, addressing specialized invitations and planning the menu. Cleaning the house until your reflection can be seen in the bathroom fixtures (a New York City bathroom, mind you- which doesn't ever look that clean not matter how much bleach you use). Stressing over every detail to make sure it's perfect for your little angel.

Only it's not for the little one- I reminded my friend of this when she was throwing her son's first b-day soiree, I reminded my wife of this when it was time to throw one for our little nugget. And yet, still special cake pans were purchased, and cupcakes were baked in quantities large enough to feed the Union army- with some left over for Lee's boys in gray as well. Minor breakdowns ensued when the day came and there was still so much left to be done to make the day all a one year old could ever wish for. If only she knew what a wish was. Right now her wishes would probably consist of more Ritz crackers and unlimited play time with the TV remote (so she can unwittingly order pay-per-view movies mommy and daddy don't want to see).

The day was a success... I mean the food for the adults was an hour late. The food for the kids was purchased about 20 minutes prior to the party starting- and only then because my sister asked when were putting the chicken nuggets in the oven. K. was, no surprise, overwhelmed and clingy to me and my wife. And after all the prep time her mom put into the birthday treat- our little cupcake wanted little to do with hers.

But we survived. And the baby-sitter was invited, so when she showed up a little pressure was lifted. And everybody had a good time. It was a day to remember for us- even if we wanted to forget it afterwards. Our little girl turned one year old. Happy Birthday, Miss K... you are loved.

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