Thursday, July 1, 2010

Confessions of a new dad, vol 3: Ready, set... wait!

There was a pizza party/baby shower for a co-worker of mine at work today. He's having a little girl too, and also like with us it's his first. So doing my best grizzled-veteran (of just over two months, mind you), I imparted some advice. Eat that pizza while it's still hot.

It's just another thing that if you think about it, it's like- of course it's hard to sit down and eat a meal when there's a tiny baby involved. But you gotta think, well the baby's gotta sleep at some point, we'll eat then. The thing you need to figure out on your own is that babies are born equipped with built-in heat-seeking sensors that work as such: If it's warm and I'm not eating it- than neither are you. If I'm asleep and dinner is ready to eat- I will wake up. If I am already awake, I will fuss and demand your attention until the food has cooled considerably. At which point you may go about your business, and "enjoy" your meal.

Now luckily, with two parental units, one gets a warmer dinner than the other. And I think my wife and do a pretty good job of switching off. I eat, you tend to the babe... you eat, I wrestle the child. Re-heat and repeat. It works, and it has to because dinner at 10pm on a Tuesday night is not high on my to-do list. And on those few nights where the sensors get jammed somehow and we enjoy a warm meal together at the same time- we feast like... well, like normal people. Grateful, normal people.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dont worry Jay - it will only be this way for another 20 years or so -- then the new problems take over. Stick with it - you actually are a pretty good Dad.
Love from one Dad to another.