Tuesday, June 17, 2008

"A" Philosophy to live by

This morning, as the A train I was on pulled into Columbus Circle, my fellow riders and I were instructed by the conductor to "Have an interesting morning." Now pleasantries from a conductor- while not the norm- certainly aren't a rarity, but the choice of words was. I've gotten the "Have a nice day" or "Enjoy your day" - there's even one guy who always says "Have a blessed, safe and prosperous day." All very normal positive affirmations as you exit the subway train, ready to tackle the day. But, have an interesting morning- that's deep. It can be taken so many different ways.

We should all be so lucky to lead interesting lives, and have our interesting mornings blossom into intriguing and mindful days. I'm trying to fight through the crowd to get off the train, and this guy's waxing philosophical in between transfer and other train info. And you know what, why not? He's got the mic and (some) people's attention. As long as your not screaming at me that my soul is destined for hell fire, I say spread your gospel Mr. Subway Philosopher. It gave me pause, not sure if anyone else even noticed.

And maybe, just maybe the conductor meant to say "Have a nice day" and just misspoke. Maybe he was half asleep and just mumbled out the first thing he could think of. Whatever it was, his interesting choice of words got my attention. And while the rest of my morning was somewhat normal, I had already had an interesting morning as I walked off the train.

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