Sunday, June 29, 2008

About, Face!

I caved.

It all started years ago, when I started getting unsolicited emails from people I know, saying "[Such and such] wants to be your friend on Friendster! Click this link to join..." I would hit delete, thinking to myself I am not joining that stupid thing- not really even knowing what it was all about. 

Then a couple years went by, and the Friendster emails were replaced by invites to join MySpace. Once again, I scoffed, and I hemmed... and then about a year ago or so.. I joined. I was hooked. So many people out there wanted to be MY friend (including strange girls with web cams i could look at if I just went to their website and had a major credit card handy). I was re-connecting with people I hadn't spoken to in years, and even sometimes connecting with people (my wife) who were down the hall in my living room. The obsession soon died down a bit, but I still would check my MySpace page, feeling I was up to date in this internet based society in which we live.

Then something happened. Fast forward to this year. The emails, they started again. Apparently I had waited too long, and MySpace was now passe', and Facebook was were it's at. Nope, I thought. I don't even check my MySpace often enough, and now I am going to join Fcebook? Please. Well, last week my wife joined. Then I didn't see her for two nights after work, as she loaded up on friends, and wrote on people's "wall." So, just to see what all the fuss was about... well, you know how it happens. 

My Facebook initiation was way more overwhelming than my humble beginnings on MySpace. This time, even more people I hadn't talked to, people who I forgot were on the planet all wanted to be my friend... and BAM, I am one of the popular kids again! They even have this this where you can create pages for your pets- which my wife and I did for each of our cats immediately- after which I felt excited and ashamed all at once.

Where does it all end? And have I waited too long again? When will the emails start again, asking me to join [TheNewCoolKidsSite].com? And how long will I have the strength to stay away? Too much to think about. And plus, I need to get back to Facebook- I just got a friend request from a guy I think I know from class... but I am not sure if it's the guy I am thinking it is. Ain't the internet grand?

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