Thursday, July 10, 2008

Running of the idiots

Yesterday marked the fourth day of the annual running of the bulls in Pamplona, Spain. And when I read stories like this one about the people who are injured daily in the run, I think to myself- Good. Now while I don't necessarily wish harm on any person, I gotta say I always find myself rooting for the bulls.

Every year thousands of people come from all over the world, so-called thrill seekers, to confuse and disorient and goad these poor animals. You want thrills? Risk bodily harm to yourself? Jump out of plane, climb a mountain, walk across hot coals. Don't pick on a mentally inferior species to get your jollies.

It's been going on for over 400 years, so it will probably keep going on. If that's case I say, Go bulls! Trampled, gore, and ram those idiot humans that can't out maneuver you. As the saying goes, "You mess the with bull, you get," and most-deservedly so, "the horns."

Arriba los toros!

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