Friday, March 4, 2011

A lesson in 21st century Jungian Analysis

An overheard conversation on the train this morning between two teenage girls.

"...and isn't having sex on the train illegal?"
"I dunno..."
"It's just weird, what a weird dream."
"It's weird."
"I know I was like, 'what'?"
"You should look it up on urban dictionary."

Which made me think, she should look what up on urban dictionary? Matters of legality? Symbolism and meaning in dreams? Yeah, urban dictionary is totally the first place I think of to go to get that kind of information. I'm not even aware of any purpose of urban dictionary, other to enlighten the reader as to the meaning and derivations of slang words and phrases. But what do I know, I'm old.  Maybe there's some sort of secret section for teens where they log in and all is revealed to them. Life, love, investment strategy...

And anyway, I was eavesdropping... eavesdropping of course being a relative term since they were both less than a foot away from my ear, speaking at increased volume do to the fact that the entirety of their conversation took place wearing earphones, attached to their respective iPods with audible music emanating. Ah youth...

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