Friday, January 7, 2011

Confessions of a new dad, vol. 20: Speaking of myself...

We all do it. Talk to ourselves a little... while you're performing odd tasks around the house, or perhaps when you screw something up- "Nice work, [your name here]," kinda under your breath. You know what I am talking about.

Oh you don't, do you? Well, I am secure enough in what's left of my sanity to admit that I do. Although lately I have noticed a bit of a change, when the task I am performing is some what related to the baby- packing her bag, or making her a bottle- I've realized I am calling myself Daddy. As in, "Way to go, Daddy," when I've dumped half a scoop of formula on the kitchen counter. Not only that, by my wife has also become Mommy in my conversations with yours truly- although this only in my head. As of yet I don't I think I have called her Mommy out loud to myself.

I mean we spend so much time talking K. about Mommy and Daddy, it's perfectly reasonable it should spill over into my "talking-to-myself" time. Right? No more unreasonable than talking to yourself in the first place, anyway. Right?? I mean, at least so far it's only when I am doing baby related stuff that the D word pops up. So far. I have not been at work, thinking or saying to myself, "Oh crap- Daddy forgot to send out that email!" Not yet anyway. And so what if I do? These are my conversations with myself- I can call me whatever I want! Yeah! ...yeah. Although, if you happen to be around, please punch me in the face or lock me up if ever I introduce myself as Daddy to someone else. In the meanwhile I'll keep telling myself Daddy's got it under control.

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