Monday, January 24, 2011

Confessions of a new dad, vol. 24: True Confession

Our little one- like many babies- prefers her food/bottles on the warm side. And by prefers I mean she hates it any other way. So we warm it up, for her benefit and our sanity.

All formula canisters, as well food labels come with a stern warning: "NEVER USE A MICROWAVE when heating, as serious burns may occur." What they don't state is: "It will also take you 10-15 seconds to warm up as opposed to 4-5 minutes sitting in a bowl of hot water." So after a few months of staying true to the label and hours of thumb-twiddling beside bowls of hot water (let's face it, as new parent you wouldn't ever defy what is says on a label!), we now USE THE MICROWAVE method. Against all warnings!! Rebellion!! Perhaps the makers of the these products have never had a baby- but those extra 3 minutes and 45 seconds or so can make a big difference to a hungry, fidgety baby.

As far as "serious burns" occurring- how long are you putting it in the microwave for? It is the 21st century, you do know that microwaves heat things up very fast, yes? And another thing- you always test the food or formula before you give to the baby, just as you would if you heated it up any other way. Don't you? If it's too hot, don't give it to the baby. Serious burns avoided!! I seriously don't get what all the fuss is about. Unless the warnings are there for the stupid people? Or I suppose we should all pop our popcorn on the stove, and cook our frozen burritos in a conventional oven too? Or maybe the baby food industry is funded by the anti-microwave lobby? But I digress...

A little convenience goes a long way, is all I'm saying. There are so many things world of child rearing where you absolutely can't cut corners- but I'm not adding heating up a bottle to the list. Not when there's a simpler way. Even if means defying warnings for stupid people. Lock me up if you must, child services- our baby is getting a warm bottle on the quick, and on our terms- and then going about her business burn free. 

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