Monday, February 7, 2011

Confessions of a new dad, vol. 27: Accentuating the Positive

Babies have got it good. 

I'm not just talking about being pushed around in a stroller, or being changed when they've messed themselves. I'm not just talking about being fed whenever they want to, or held and coddled when they get upset. Those things are nice. But in addition to that- every little thing they do gets celebrated. Nobody smiles and pats me on the back when I finish all my food. And I can clap too, you know- been clapping for a long time- and yet when I do it goes almost completely unnoticed. Not "Yaaaay," followed by clapping along with me in celebration. It's got me feeling like Fredo from the The Godfather 2: "I can handle things! I'm smart!" No- I don't ever voice this state of mind... I'm an adult. Plus, we all know what happened to Fredo.

Which got me to thinking: Can you imagine how productive we all might be if we all received the the kind of positive affirmation afforded to babies? I'm sure it would get a little annoying after a while, but man it would feel good to be showered with compliments on the way I walked to the printer from my desk... and back!! What a big boy!! And what satisfaction: Going to the bathroom... in the potty? All by myself?? Yaaaay! Just think of Barak Obama signing a bill into law, and being hoisted up on John Boehner's shoulders for being the bestest President ever!! And the cutest!! What a proud papa he'd be!

But sadly, the hyper-positive reinforcement ends as soon as you're old enough to appreciate it. So live it up while you still get it, babies- because it's much less of big deal when you make poopies in your pants at age 34. Well, it's still a big deal- but not in the good sort of way. And the rest of you, hold your applause, please.

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