Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Confessions of a new dad, vol. 29: The schedule

Trying to get your baby on a schedule, is a challenge that most parents struggle with. What time they eat. What time they nap. What time they go to sleep. It really is a struggle, because of all the internal/external variables that affect your day and theirs. Took longer at the store than anticipated? That's going to cut into nap time, if it happens now at all. More likely she'll pass out in the car for a few minutes and then be wide awake at home and demanding your attention when it's time to put the groceries away. Did her morning nap run longer than usual? Now lunchtime is a little late, and you can almost forget the afternoon nap.Or if she still happens to go down for the afternoon nap- now you can pretty much count on the fact she'll still be awake at least an hour past her usual bed time.

Put hands to head and pull hair. (Screaming: "Heeeeelp!" to the heavens optional)

Some parents (super-parents!) try to squash the variables, by rigidly sticking to the schedule come hell or high water. Maybe they won't go to the store if it means there's a chance it could run long. Or they'll wake their child up at an appointed time when the planned nap is over. There's a lot to be said for that kind of diligence. But most of the time we're so thrilled when K goes down mid-morning or day, that we feel she'll wake when her body tells her it's time to wake up. And, she's got to eat- so we have to go to the store. Schedule be damned! And let's face it, she probably has something to do with us getting out the door late. That's right, blame the baby.

All that said, we do have our little one on a decent (if not written in very light pencil) schedule. But since we aren't the super-parents mentioned above, she gets off schedule a little here and there. With minor tweaks every now and then, she's pretty good and keeping to it. So much of the talk surrounding the "schedule" is that they baby gets fussy when the schedule is deviated from. But what I've come realize is that although sure she gets a little cranky when her schedule gets screwed up, it's her parents that really get cranky. That nap time is our time to nap too- or at least get stuff done around the house that is next to impossible to do while she's up. So when the day doesn't go as planned we're the ones that get grumpy.

I can't imagine, though, that the super-parents are any less cranky at constantly having to re-arrange and reschedule their days so as not to disturb the almighty schedule! I mean yes, you have to make a lot of concessions in your life when a baby arrives- but you can't let them take completely take charge. As with a lot of things in parenting, compromise is the name of the game. Nobody likes a fussy grown-up, after all.

1 comment:

Kristen–well minded said...

Fussy babies are much easier to deal with than fussy grown-ups!