Friday, September 5, 2008

Do-it-yourself take out!

On a recent trip to the Northwest, my wife and I had the luxury of staying the entire time at a friend's house that they don't use... which was perfect, because the primary point of the trip was to relax- and having comfy, domestic lodging made this easy to do. We planned our days so that nighttime would have us at home, to watch movies, order take out and just chill.

Being that we were in a rather remote area, the option of having food delivered was not available- Hello, culture-shock for the city folk! We were apprised of a local pizza chain, and decide to give it try one night. Now this was a different pizza joint than I had ever experienced. A so-called, "take and bake." You order the pizza, they make it for you, and give it to you uncooked to take home and bake yourself.

My wife was all for it. And I admit, it truly worked out for that evening because we were able to grab it on the way home from that day's travels, so as not to have to go out again. But in a way it seems against the whole idea of take out. The idea that take out is something you do that's super easy. You order it, you pick it up (or have it delivered), and you eat it. Where does, you-cook-it, fit in there? Let me answer the question: it doesn't. If you want to cook, you don't order take out... it's really that simple.

The pizza was okay, and no it wasn't that hard to make- but that's not the point. It is like paying somebody to wash your clothes, and then still having to dry them yourself. All right, I'm done. Off my soapbox. Although, it was heaven last night to have a hot pizza delivered to our door- no assembly required.

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