Friday, September 19, 2008

Yesterday's news and such...

I work across the street from Lehman Brothers' corporate HQ. And with all the grim reports this past week, news vans have been camped out- with cameras fixed on the building all day, as if something spectacular was about to happen.

Now, by the end of the week, the news vans have all but dwindled and left. Somebody must have told them all that the collapse of Lehman didn't mean the building would collapse as well. So much for the big scoop.

Other ramblings...

Lots of action on the streets of NYC this week. As always, the freaks seem to find me- as if they recognize a kindred spirit in me. No, you don't have to agree.

Yesterday, this guy walked past a co-worker and I on the street, and as he did, he let out a very full and tone-full belch. Impressed, we got a good chuckle out of it. Wouldn't you know, five minutes later we shared an elevator with the guy. It was a snicker-filled ride, and no more gasses were expelled.


A couple of days ago, I twice came around a corner (once on the street, once at the gym) and nearly ran smack into a female of the species. Both times it was clear that both parties were at fault, more or less. Both times, I was the only apologetic party. And both times, I received a good deal of attitude from the other party in return. Message to all other carelessly walking women out there: Next time it's all YOUR fault! You have been warned.


The other day as I walked down the street, I watched a guy give his girlfriend one hells of back scratching. I mean, hands up the shirt going to town kind of back scratching. Now, I like a good scratch of the back as much as the next guy, but if I am in need of one in public- over the shirt is fine for me. I'm just saying.


I saw what was left of a pigeon in the middle of Seventh Avenue, nearly smashed beyond recognition. Just a bunch of pigeon-colored feathers and guts. I don't really have anything else to say about it- it's just something you don't see everyday. Ane the perfect thing to think about just before lunch.

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