Thursday, September 25, 2008

Suits & Psychosis...

My workplace is a casual dress enviroment, which fits in with my dressing standard. I am perfectly comfortable in khakis or jeans, and a button down or polo shirt- usually untucked. And that's what I live in during the work week. Well, we held an event the other evening which called for playing dress up- and I dusted off my suit and wore it in to work.

No, it's not the first time I have worn a suit to work- but it's been a while. And despite the fact I was probably one of hundreds of guys on my train wearing a suit, I of course feel like a fraud. And not only that, everyone knows it! They're all looking at me thinking, That guy doesn't usually wear a suit! Look at him him trying to be all dressed up... Yeah, that's really what I'm thinking as I ride the train, walk down the street, what have you.

Not helping the comfort level: in the time since I have last worn my suit, I seem to have expanded a bit(okay a good deal) in the abdominal region and was unable to even come close to buttoning my pants. Rather than accept defeat though, I just counted on my trusty belt- not only to fight gravity, but also to cover up the fact that my pants were indeed not buttoned. And as it turned out, mission accomplished- but my day was spent checking and rechecking the offending waistline, to make sure every thing was- for lack of a better term- on the up and up.

I'm not sure I will ever be a suit man. It's not that I don't like wearing the things, I just like hassle free, easy peasy when it come to the whole getting ready for the day thing. And frankly, the not tucking the shirt in comes in handy with the ever-expanding middle situation. (Okay, okay I'm going to gym- stop yelling at me.)

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