Saturday, March 21, 2009

Peeves, pets...

Let me start by saying: I don't like washing my hands with cold water. It doesn't feel like they are getting clean, and the soap seems to take longer to wash off. Do I do it? Yes of course, as public restrooms don't always give you the option: no matter what the handles on the faucet are labeled; or do you really want to spend the extra time in a public bathroom to wait for the water to get warm? So yes, I do wash my hands with cold water when I have to- but I don't have to like it... not even a little.

While on the subject of public bathrooms: Give me paper towels. I know, know, hand blowers are better for the environment, blah blah blah... Hey I'm all for reducing my carbon footprint, but I'm also for walking out of the bathroom with dry hands... or without water up inside my sleeves, where it invariably ends up getting blown to. Paper towels, I'm in control of- I know where the water's going: on the towel. And let's not get me started on the whole automatic faucets and blowers... I've already gone there on this blog awhile ago.

Back to water temperature: I don't like brushing my teeth with warm water. If the water comes out of the faucet, still warm from the last use, and it gets on my toothbrush- I will start over. Water and toothpaste conservationists be damned.

Now a here's "pet" peeve. This goes beyond the normal New Yorker complaint of "Why can't they clean up after their dog??" Although I am behind that one too. This is another issue I have with many dog owners, and a word of advice: Be giving when it comes to your dog. There are those of us out there, my wife and I included- in a big way- who wish to have have a dog of their own- but cannot for now, due to lifestyle and other financial restrictions. So when we stop to pet your dog on the street, and ask its name or how old or what breed- don't act like I've committed a federal offense, or walk away like you don't speak human, dragging your pal behind. Humor us. Hey I know, I'm sure it's the fourth time you've walked your dog today, and you've really got to get to that spinning class at the gym- but share in the joy that your dog is obviously bringing us. I'm not saying we want you to put on a show or display for us all of his or her tricks- just be civil. Embrace the joy, not the annoy.

A list of pet peeves could go on for ever, but that's all for today. So after the peeves, I leave you with some pets:
Our little angels, Mick & Bean.

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